Sunday, February 20, 2011


Finally.....I have an internet connection! Some things aren't as simple here in Ghana, however, it is very, very beautiful.

This will be a short post but I promise to post photos and videos tomorrow once we are working in the school. We had a terrific terrific heat, I might add. We started the day with church service in the village. It was amazing, a real celebration. These people are so thankful for what they have. It was truly humbling to pray side by side with them. Melissa had the opportunity to sing with the choir...beautiful as usual.

After church, we had lunch and headed off to the tour of Accra. We saw museums, national, parks, the beach, etc......however, I think we learned more by just seeing the city and how people live here. The cultural differences are so huge but we felt warm and welcomed.

Tonight village had a welcoming ceremony for us. There was music and dancing! So beautiful. I will be sure to post photos of this amazing event tomorrow!

We are all tired tonight from a long day and excited to begin our work tomorrow. I will share more stories with you all at that time.

Thanks to all of you for making this experience possible. We miss you but are having an incredible adventure.

Kim and the crew